Dream aloud

heather • she • cancer • enfp

hi there!

Hello! I'm Heather but you can call me anything really. I am simply just a
teenager residing in Singapore who uses tumblr a lot, fills her time drawing
instead of being productive when she needs to and loves Fifth Harmony and
Camila Cabello a bit too much.

I guess i would describe myself as being really weird in real life. I'm always fooling around telling lame jokes and rambling about everything under the sun. I love being around people. I don't think I can ever survive on my own without anyone to talk to. But at the same time, I reserve my emotions a lot and I like my quiet too. Sometimes I like to just hide in my room, reading or using my laptop. Life can be as dramatic and overwhelming as it is exciting.


Besides Fifth Harmony and Camila Cabello, I really love nature. I love wildlife especially and I always appreciate nature and how much it has provided us. I honestly love this beautiful environment that we live in and it makes me sad to see the environment being harmed. I always loved interacting with animals and taking long walks in parks. Spending time around nature always seems to allow to reflect on my thoughts and take a break from the outside world. It's been a dream of mine since I was younger to become a zoologist and I'm actually going to try out working part time as a zookeeper in a few years when I'm finally old enough. I'm really excited!

I also mentioned that I love people a lot! My biggest dream is to be able to help people and the environment. I always wanted to be a psychologist or a lawyer because I love just talking to people and interacting with them. And the social injustices nowadays are the main reasons why I want to help society.

But also love art. Gosh I have so many ineterests its so hard to satisfy all of them. I'm an art student, and I'm hoping that I can try to get a diploma (if my art is somehow good enough). Art helps to relieve my encaged emotions, it helps me to learn to better appreciate the world around me, the beauty that it holds. One of my favourite past times is to scroll through deviantart and tumblr for artists and their beautiful artworks for hours on end. But I love literature too! I'm taking literature in school, and gosh I love how the words seem to flow so smoothly in a poem, how one word can encompass so much meaning. I just finished Romeo and Juliet and we're starting on The Handmaid's Tale so I'm really pumped because I heard it's a really good book.

I can't believe I wrote so much about my interests. I'm rambling again, gosh.

fifth harmony and camila

My girls forever! To be honest I'm pretty new to this fandom. For most of my life I somehow managed to cut myself off from society until 2015 because before that I listened to zero music besides the occasional songs from the radio that my parents played in the car. But ever since I saw one of the covers they made in 2015, I fell in love with their angelic voices that their beautiful beautiful souls.

Fifth Harmony helped me through a lot. There was this point in time in which I kind of lost myself and Fifth Harmony really helped me to get in touch with myself again. Their songs always lifted my spirits up and my confidence as well.

When Camila left I was devasted and I was really sad and unmotivated for a few days. Camila was the one that I looked up to the most in the group because she was never afraid of being herself, which was something that I struggled with for years.

But I truly support everyone of them equally, Lauren, Dinah, Normani and Ally doing amazing as ever (screaming)! And Camila is shining brighter than ever (screams agian)! Someone save my soul, they are all just so talented... I picked the best idols, ever. My heart now belong to my girls and I am never going to stop loving them.

friends, i hope

I'm sorry, I'm talking so much and my thoughts are all over the place, you're probably really sick of me right now. I think I'm way too enthusiastic about the whole introducing yourself thing. I always have this really irrational fear that people dislike me because I talk so much. Sorry for all my mad rambles and I hope I'm not too annoying. Thank you for stopping by and I hope we can be friends! I always love meeting new people so you can talk to me whenever you want (by the way I'm really horrible when it comes to talking online so sorry in advance for that). But that's all for now I think I've kind of ran out of things to say.

Also, always remember to be kind to yourself :)

( gif of the beautiful Camila Cabello by cabello gifs on tumblr )

( Made with Carrd )